Tag Archives: business

How To Run A Cake Decorating Business From Your Home

There is nothing like working from home. It is cheaper because you don’t need to commute or buy a special wardrobe to go out into the public. You can also use a home office as a tax write off. Here are some ideas to help you start and succeed in a home based cake decorating business. – Find a Unique Way to Sell Your Cakes – Think about why people should come to you for their cakes instead of going to a bakery. Do your cakes taste […]

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The Cake Decorating Business

Most people don’t think of going into business when they start cake decorating. Usually it is a hobby or because they want to make wonderful cakes for family events. Most people start a home cake decorating business because when they made these great cakes for family occasions, and those who saw the cake wanted them to make cakes for their special occasions. There is also the appeal of working at home, you have the freedom to work when you want, as long as you get the cake […]

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